E-Mailing BOKU-StartBOKU UniversityWorking at BOKU UniversityServicesIT ServicesEverbody's needsE-Mailing This page is available under these URLs: https://boku.ac.at/en/universitaet-fuer-bodenkultur-wien-boku/arbeiten-an-der-boku/services/it-services/everybodys-needs/e-mailing https://short.boku.ac.at/m3ogw8 Life without e-mail? Unimaginable! These guidelines describe how to make work easier but also point out the dangers of this medium. GroupWise Groupwise - Emails, contacts and appointments from a single source - also on the road. GroupWise on the go Mobile Working - More Flexibility Thanks to Mobility. E-mails, contacts and appointments - wherever you might be. Mailing for Students Access to emails anytime, anywhere – the webmail system for students. Spam Protection against Unwanted Emails for BOKU Mail Users. Search Similar Pages from the BOKUweb