Evaluation of scientists

The procedure for the evaluation of the scientific staff  (only available in German) is applied to current procedures for the evaluation of professorships according to § 98 UG (A1 Professuren gem. KV), as well as associated professorships (A2 Professuren gem. KV). A positive completion of the evaluation is required (§ 49 KV) to be able to increase the collective agreement (KV). The candidate has to show how he or she performed in the last five years in the fields of research, teaching and learning and management (see survey of the self-evaluation report). In regards to the preparation of the self-evaluation report a teaching portfolio has to be written. Subsequently a medium-term plan of action will be established with the immediate superior on the basis of the goals und measures of the self-evaluation report in the fields of research, teaching and learning and management. This medium-term plan of action applies to the professorship or the working group, which implies mutual commitment (for the evaluated person as well as the superior). The maximum length of the self-evaluation report should be 15 pages. The process of the individual evaluation strictly follows the appropriate procedural guideline of BOKU (see above). The necessary steps are clearly shown in the document Steps for the individual Evaluation at BOKU §98 and A2.

One year before the fixed-term contract expires Professors acc. § 99(3) UG 2002 can request an evaluation; if the evaluation develops positively this can lead to a permanent employment. The relevant guideline can be found when following the link Richtlinie zur Durchführung einer Qualifikationsprüfung gem. 99(3) UG 2002 (guideline for implementing the qualification examination - only available in German) plus the relevant survey for the Self-Evaluation Report can be found here survey (please fill out in English). A teaching portfolio has to be prepared for the Self-Evaluation. The procedure is based on the international standards and conducted according to expert opinions; the whole process is supervised by the Quality Management Unit. The Self-Evaluation Report has to be written in English and should not exceed 15 pages. The process of the individual Qualification or more specifically the Qualification Examination acc. to §99(3) strictly follows the appropriate Procedural Guideline (see above). The necessary steps are documented in this file: Necessary Steps to complete an individual Evaluation at the BOKU § 99(3)

An overview of the most important criteria for the individual evaluation at BOKU can be found in the following document: Evaluationskriterien von Professuren an der BOKU (Evaluation Criteria of professorships at the BOKU - only available in German).

In the future different procedures will be used for the evaluation depending on the type of professorship. Below you will find an overview of different types of professorships, which individual evaluation has to be used including their consequences:

Person groups




consequences in case of a positive evaluation

Univ. Prof.

§ 98 UG (KV)


Richtlinie zur Evaluation von wissenschaftlichem Personal: Internes Verfahren

approx. 1 year before the 6 year occupation ends

Increase acc. to KV § 49 Section.1

Univ. Prof.

§ 99 Abs. 1 UG

limited to maximum of 5 years

Vertragsverlängerung nur nach Durchführung eines Berufungsverfahrens gemäß § 98

no evaluation intended


Univ. Prof.

§ 99 Abs. 3 UG

limited to 6 years

Richtlinie zur Durchführung der Qualifikationsprüfung

approx. 1,5 years before the contract expires

permanent contract after implementation of the qualification examination

Univ. Prof.

§ 99 Abs. 4 UG

permanent Richtlinie zur Evaluation von wissenschaftlichem Personal: Internes Verfahren approx. 1 year before the 6 year occupation ends Increase acc. to KV § 49 Section.1

Univ. Prof.

§ 99 Abs. 5 UG

limited to 6 years

Erreichung der Qualifizierungsvereinbarung wird durch Qualifizierungsbeirat festgestellt

before the qualification agreement ends

Contract is converted to an open-end contract as Assoc. Prof. acc. to KV § 27 Section. 5

Univ. Prof.

§ 99a UG

limited to 6 years Richtlinie zur Durchführung der Qualifikationsprüfung approx. 1,5 years before the contract expires permanent contract after implementation of the qualification examination

Assoziierte/r Prof.

KV § 27           Abs. 5


Richtlinie zur Evaluation von wissenschaftlichem Personal: Internes Verfahren

approx. 1 year before the 6 year occupation ends

Increase acc. KV § 49 Section. 2


KV § 27           Abs. 3


Erreichung der Qualifizierungsvereinbarung wird festgestellt

before the qualification agreement ends

Contract is converted to an open-end contract as Assoc. Prof. acc. to KV § 27 Section. 5

In the context of professorships job quality differs due to varying scientific career levels acc. to §13b (2) UG. Depending on the type of professorship (§98 Professur, §99/3 Professur, §99/4 Professur, §99/5 Professur, §99a Professur, Ao. Univ.-Professur und Assoc. Professur, Assistenzprofessuren, Research Associate Professor, Research Assistant Professor) there are differences in occupation, powers, work and skill requirements, determination of remuneration as well as liabilities and more. An overview of the Unterschiede und Charakteristika von Professuren (differences and characteristics of professorships - only available in German) can help understand the different scientific career levels.