Mag.rer.nat. Sabine Greßler
Contact e-mail: sabine.gressler(at)
Short biography
Studies of biology, major in zoology, minor in human biology at the University of Vienna. Diploma thesis "Structure and activity of the garlic toad population (Pelobates fuscus L. 1768) of the Endelteich (Danube Island, near Vienna): a comparison of 8 study years".
Doctoral studies at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences on the topic of sustainability assessment of "Advanced Materials".
Professional Career
1992 to 2007:
Scientific officer at the Forum Wissenschaft & Umwelt, Vienna
Since 2008: Independent project activity
NanoADD (11/2018-01/20): The importance of functional fillers and nanoscale additives for plastics in the circular economy. Project in the framework of the Nano EHS program. Institute of Waste Management, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences. Scientific project collaborator.
SafeNanoKap (04/2017-03/2018): Applicability of the safe-by-design concept using the example of product development of nanomaterials in coffee capsules. Project in the framework of the Nano EHS program. Institute of Waste Management, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Technology Assessment, ÖAW, Vienna. Scientific project collaborator.
NanoMIA (04/2014-03/2015): Nanomaterials in waste. Evaluation of regulations and procedures for the detection of nanomaterials waste streams. Project in the framework of the Nano EHS program. Institute of Waste Management, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Technology Assessment, ÖAW, Vienna. Scientific project collaborator. Update of the ITA database for "nanoproducts" on the Austrian market.
NanoTrust - Project of the Inst. f. Technikfolgenabschätzung (ÖAW); preparation of dossiers, development of product database, lecturing, research, science communication in the field of nanotechnology.
Member of the working group "Nanoinformation Platform" (NIP) under the auspices of the BMG; collaboration on the website; writing of texts, editorial revision of other texts.
Study "Aluminium in cosmetics, food and food contact materials" (2013); together with Dr. René Fries, on behalf of the BMG.
Reports, lectures and consulting in the context of the project "ÖkoKauf" of the municipality of Vienna;
nanoproducts for a sustainable procurement of Vienna.
Scientific book publication in the publishing house WILEY "Epigenetics and Human Health"; editor together with Univ.Doz. Dr. Haslberger (University of Vienna); 2010.
Study "Nanosilver in cosmetics, hygiene articles and food contact materials", together with Dr. René Fries, on behalf of the BMG; publication February 2010.
"Nanotechnology in food and cosmetics", information brochure for consumers; AGES, October 2008, commissioned by BMGFJ.
Since October 2020:
Research associate in the project "SolarCircle" (Assessment of "Advanced Materials" in Emerging Solar Technologies with special regard to the circular economy) at the Institute of Waste Management, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna.
Main research
Sustainability assessment of "Advanced Materials
Risk assessment of nanomaterials