Values in Transition 2022: Education - Diversity - Sustainability
Values in Transition: Education - Diversity - Sustainability
Values are considered to be a main driver for individuals, groups and societies. They detemine our behaviour and give us a feeling of orientation. It seems like they can not be changed or replaced. For a deeper understandig of why and how we act as a society it is important to take a closer look at our values.
During this 3-day event in November 2022 we asked and discussed how the Universities (especially the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) can contribute to a sustainable change in our society. To achieve this goal we have to analyse which values can help us create a future which is worth living.
Find videos of English parts here.

Program overview 2022
English program parts are underlined.

Pecha Kucha I&II - 16.11.
Talk: Helena Norberg-Hodge and Johannes Kaup (Ö1) - 17.11.

Helena Norberg-Hodge
a pioneer of the new economy movement, is the founder and director of the international non-profit organisation, Local Futures, and the convenor of World Localization Day.

Johannes Kaup
Anchorman and producer in the categories science, religion and education at the radio station Ö1. He got a degree in philosophy and theology at the University of Vienna.
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