We explore

  • rural development and regional development
  • specifics of project management in regional development activities
  • societal expectations of agriculture, landscape and nature
  • governance of food networks
  • socio-economic handling of land and soil
  • interaction of science and region
  • regional economics in mountain areas

We apply

  • methods of qualitative and quantitative empirical social science
  • various tools of spatial analysis
  • transdisciplinary methods
  • project management and strategic regional planning tools
  • case studies and meta-analyses

We teach

  • regional development, planning and management
  • rural development and development cooperation
  • regional, nature protection and landscape economics
  • project management
  • sustainable development and institutional innovation
  • inter- and transdisciplinary methods

Scientific staff

Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Marianne Penker

Office: Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left, room EG/08
Consultation hour: on appointment (email)
Phone: +43-1- 47654 - 73115
Email: penker(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications (FIS)
Personal Website

Mag. Dr. Michael Braito

Office:  Institute of Social Ecology (SEC), 1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29 (staircase 1, 6th floor, room W.TII/604)
Consultation hour: on appointment (Tuesday 3:30 pm - 5 pm), Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left, room EG/07
Phone: +43-1- 47654 - 73749
Email: michael.braito(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Valentin Fiala

Office: Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left, room EG/05
Phone: +43-1- 47654 - 73111
Email: v.fiala(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications

Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Päd. Cornelia Fischer, M.Sc.

Office: Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left, room EG/06
Phone.: +43-1- 47654 - 73113
Email:  cornelia.fischer(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications

Dr.phil. Alexandra Frangenheim, B.A. M.A.

Office: Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left, room EG/06
Phone: +43-1- 47654 - 73114
Email:  alexandra.frangenheim(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications

Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Dr. Marta López Cifuentes

Office: Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left, room EG/05
Phone: +43-1- 47654 - 73112
Email: m.lopezcifuentes(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications

Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Schauppenlehner-Kloyber

Office: Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left, room EG/07
Consultation hour: on appointment 
Phone: +43-1- 47654 - 73117
Email: elisabeth.schauppenlehner(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications


Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hanna Edelmann

Email: hanna.edelmann(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications

Dipl.-Ing. Günther Humer, M.Sc.

Dipl.-Ing. Günther Humer, M.Sc.

Oö. Zukunftsakademie, Amt der Oö. Landesregierung
Email:  guenther.humer(at)boku.ac.at
Homepages: http://www.ooe-zukunftsakademie.athttp://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/


Dipl.-Ing. Günther Laister

Consultation hour: please make an appointment by email
Email: guenther.laister(at)boku.ac.at

CV and publications

Dipl.-Ing. Mag.iur. Johannes Prem

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, Department III/2

Email: johannes.prem(at)boku.ac.at


Ao. Univ. Prof. i. R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hans Karl Wytrzens

Office: Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left, room EG/12
Consultation hour: on appointment (email)
Phone: +43-1- 47654 - 73116
Email: wytrzens(at)boku.ac.at

CV and Publications


Thomas Honsig, B.Sc.

Email: thomas.honsig(at)students.boku.ac.at


Michèle Maria Mathilde Keup, B.Sc.

Email: michele.keup(at)students.boku.ac.at


Roman Müller, B.Sc.

Roman Müller, B.Sc.

Email: romanmueller(at)students.boku.ac.at


Luzia Neufang, B.Sc.

Luzia Neufang, B.Sc.

Email: luzia.neufang(at)students.boku.ac.at


Nora Nitsch, B.Sc.

Email: nora.nitsch(at)students.boku.ac.at


Emily Rischer, B.Sc.

Emily Rischer, B.Sc.

Email: emily.rischer(at)students.boku.ac.at
