Marianne Penker
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Marianne Penker
Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Sustainable Economic Development
Feistmantelstraße 4 1180 Vienna, Austria
Office: Guttenberghaus, ground floor, left corridor, room EG/08
Consultation hour: on appointment (email)
Tel.: +43-1- 47654 - 73115
Email: penker(at)
CV with publications and projects
CV and publications (FIS)
Projects (FIS)
Marianne Penker is Professor for Rural Sociology and Rural Development at the BOKU Institute of Sustainable Economic Development. As sustainability scientist, she is committed to inter- and transdisciplinary research supporting transformative solutions in rural areas in Europe and beyond. Her work, which largely builds on Ostrom’s Social-Ecological-Systems framework, has changed the way people think about agri-food governance and the integration of diverse types of academic and stakeholder knowledge. Via the network of European Academies, she contributed to the SAPEA report on a sustainable food system for the EU and presented its results in front of the European Parliament. She chairs the UNESCO Man & Biosphere National Committee at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. She served as an institutional evaluator of the Wageningen School of Social Sciences and as member of numerous recruiting, promotion and evaluations boards for diverse universities (e.g., Aberdeen, Freiburg, Grenoble Alps, Copenhagen, SLU-Uppsala) and research programmes (e.g., EU, DFG, FWO Belgium, Swiss-NSF, Belmont Forum).