Guest lectures
Talk series
The Institute of Marketing and Innovation regularly invites speakers from science and practice for lectures, discussion as well as reflection. The M&I Research Talks focus on scientific lectures by renowned researchers on the topics of marketing and innovation. The talk series Insights from the Practical Field offers students the opportunity to gain insights into companies and their marketing and innovation strategies within the framework of courses.
Here is an overview of past talks.
Marketing & Innovation Research Talks

Univ.Prof. Dr. Udo Mantau speaks about: End-use sectors as an analytical challenge for timber market research.
Univ.Prof. Dr. Udo Mantau (emeritus Prof. University of Hamburg, Chair of Economics of Wood and Forestry; currently INFRO - Information Systems for Raw Materials) gave a presentation on "End-use sectors as an analytical challenge for wood market research in times of circular economy and bioeconomy" at the Marketing & Innovation Research Talks. On the one hand, he showed how difficult it is to create valid data on the end-use sectors of the wood value chain, on the other hand, how important it is for the assessment of potentials of the bioeconomy to have knowledge about orders of magnitude and developments of precisely these sectors. Only then can the demand for wood and other renewable raw materials be estimated by means of material flow analyses and systemic considerations, among other things.

Univ.Prof. Dr. Arnd Florack talks about: Does unhealthy taste better?
Univ.Prof. Dr. Arnd Florack (University of Vienna) spoke at the Marketing & Innovation Research Talks on the topic "Unhealthy tastes better or health as the new pleasure lifestyle: On the fit between taste and health in the marketing of food products".

Dr. Romana Polt and Mag. Vinzenz Treytl talk about: Blockchain Technology in Circular Economy and Sustainability
DI Dr. Romana Polt, BEd (Post-Doc Researcher at the COMET Research Center "ABC Research - Austrian Blockchain Center") and Mag. Vinzenz Treytl (Senior Researcher at ABC Research) gave insights into the topic: "Application of Blockchain Technology in Circular Economy and Sustainability". After a presentation of the Blockchain technology, advantages and challenges of an application in (food) supply chain management were highlighted. Furthermore, the actual environmental impact of Blockchain technology, application examples for the promotion of circular economy, as well as the current status of a commercial application were discussed.

Prof. Klaus Grunert speaks on: International segmentation of food consumers
Prof. Grunert (Aahus University, Denmark) spoke at the M&I Talks about methodological approaches to segment consumers according to similarities and differences in their food preferences. For this purpose, he presented a newly developed scale for measuring the importance of product attributes in food choices.

Univ.Prof. DDr. A. Diamantopoulos talks about: What do consumers (not) expect from local brands?
During the first Marketing & Innovation Research Talk, Univ.Prof. DDr. A. Diamantopoulos (University of Vienna) spoke on the topic of global brands from the perspective of consumers from different national backgrounds. He presented current research results and discussed the revitalized competition between global and regional suppliers from a consumer perspective.

Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Tobias Stern talks about: Innovation and Transition Research in the Context of Bioeconomy.
Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Tobias Stern (Institute of System Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research, University of Graz) gave a presentation on " Innovation and Transition Research in Context of the Bioeconomy Concept ... or how Biomass may change the world?" at the Marketing & Innovation Research Talks. The further development of bioeconomy is in a field of tension between politics and industry as well as trade-offs between economic, ecological and societal aspects and interests.

Univ. Prof. Petra Riefler speaks about: Sustainable consumer behavior
In her inaugural lecture, Univ.-Prof. Riefler spoke on the topic of "Consumer behavior as the key to sustainable business" on October 24, 2018. You can listen to the lecture at
Insights from the Practical Field

Nadina Ruedl talks about: Development of the brand "Gustl"
How do you turn an innovative food product into a brand? Nadina Ruedl, the founder of "Gustl", the vegan Leverkas was invited to BOKU and gave valuable insights into the world of a vegan start-up. With freshness and humor Nadina told about the history of Gustl, its production, sales and marketing.

Andreas Gugumuck talks about: Snails as food of the future
Andreas Gugumuck not only gave the students an insight into his company and talked about marketing strategies as well as related challenges, but also reported on the long tradition of snails in Viennese cuisine and their potential as future food.
Rita bringt's

Mrs. Mag. Rita Huber speaks about: Start-up foundation, communication and branding
In her lecture in the VO "Agrarmarketing II", Mag. Rita Huber conveyed to the students the genesis, the communication policy and the branding process of the start-up "Rita bringt's". The CEO of the vegetarian and organic delivery service and catering on two wheels shared practical experiences from the life of a young entrepreneur, told success stories and gave us insights into the challenges. This was followed by an interesting discussion with the students.

Mr. Hennebichler speaks about: B2B communication strategies
Communication strategies are, as in the B2C area, also of central importance for companies in the B2B context. In his lecture, Mr. Hennebichler gave students insights behind the scenes of a company's trade fair presence. He discussed questions such as: How do you successfully position a company with different business units? What decisions need to be made when designing a trade show booth? How does a company implement strategic alignments operationally?
Alpine Brands

DI Christine Denk talks about: Insights into the marketing of Honigmayr
DI Christine Denk, Senior Brand Manager at Alpine Brands, the subsidiary of Spitz, gave the students insights into Honigmayr as well as the company's marketing strategy and implementation. The topics organic boom, health and naturalness as well as origin were dealt with and discussed in relation to honey.

Mag. Sonja Fahrner talks about: Design of the POS in the Billa Backshop
Mag. Fahrner, Project Manager Strategic Category Development, for the Bread & Bakery, Convenience and Delicatessen division at Billa AT, provided insights into the design of the POS (point of sale) in her presentation on the Billa Backshop. Her presentation highlighted the operational implementation of strategic decisions such as target group orientation.

Mag. Miriam Schneidewind talks about: Superfoods as a consumer trend
In her guest lecture, Mag. Schneidewind, Senior Brand Manager at ACTIMEL GERMANY of Danone GmbH, gave students insights into the entrepreneurial significance of superfoods in the food industry. Topics such as development and marketing cycles of new products as well as market launch strategies were also discussed.

Dipl-Ing. Martin Gau talks about: the company's success of bioNahrungsmittel
Boku Alumni Dipl-Ing. Martin Gau presented the company "bioNahrungsmittel" during the lecture Agrarmarketing 1. He is CEO of the B2B company and gave the students exciting insights into the business model and the recipe for success of the family business. The company sources nuts, dried fruit and co worldwide - exclusively organic - and packages them for existing brands such as jaNatürlich and Alnatura.

DI Martin Greßl talks about: Animal welfare as a consumption motive
DI Greßl, head of quality management and authorized representative of Agrar Markt Austria, gave students insights into the current campaign "federführend" from the point of view of meat producers and communication with consumers. Advantages, stumbling blocks and accompanying marketing strategies were discussed with the students.

DI Wolfschütz talks about: Methods in the timber industry
Mr. DI Wolfschütz, consultant for market consulting and market analysis in the professional association of woodworking machines in the association of German machinery and plant engineering, is a graduate of the diploma course " Wood Economy".
In his presentation he has explained frequently used methods and instruments, as well as critically reflected on his course "Wood Market Analysis."