LTS - Law, Technology and Society

LunchTimeSeries Winter term 2019/20
The LTS LunchTimeSeries on Law, Technology and Society enters the next round!

European Objects: the troubled dreams of harmonization
Prof. Brice Laurent

How experiments become futures: Social learning for self-driving cars
Dr. Jack Stilgoe

Human Control of Machine Intelligence
Prof. Joanna Bryson

Peer-to-Peer Law and the Commons
Prof. Melanie Dulong de Rosnay

Law meets Data Science: Findings from the EUTHORITY Project
Dr. Nicolas Lampach

Nuclear Imaginaries in Japan: From Hiroshima to Fukushima
Dr. Kyoko Sato

Industry 4.0 and robotics: legal challenges
Prof. Dr. Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann, LL.M.

The World Bank’s role in programmes regarding cross-border rivers
Dr. Christina Leb

Energy markets – current issues of regulation
Dr. Wolfgang Urbantschitsch, LL.M.

Testing future Societies? Developing a framework for test beds and living labs as instruments of innovation governance
Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer

Strafbarkeit beim Einsatz autonomer Systeme – Neue Impulse für das Konzept der Fahrlässigkeit?
Prof. Susanne Beck

The Robot Judge: Law, Technology and Historical Patterns of Change
Prof. Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde

Distributed Selves: Technology and Rights in the Digital Age
Professor Sheila Jasanoff

Community Mobilization Strategies in Cambodia
Stephan Sonnenberg, JD

The use of interdisciplinarity in solving societal problems – a focus on health
Dr. Amanda Ellison, PAmond Physiology

Advancing the social pillar of sustainability: Insights from the natural resources sector
Prof. William Nikolakis

Resource efficiency as a category of environmental law?
Prof. Dr. Franz Reimer

Bringing the Human back to the Centre of Algorithmic Systems Design. Challenges and Opportunities.
Prof. Claudia Müller-Birn

From the Cloud to the Edge: New Ways for Data Appropriation
Prof. Alain Strowel

Autonomous Cars - A technical Introduction
Prof. Dr. Hermann Winner

Innovation Science: Between Models and Machines
Ass-Prof. Dr. Joakim Juhl

Optmimising the Supply with New Technologies
Dr. Dagmar Kownatka

AlgorithmWatch: What's there to see?
Matthias Spielkamp, MA MA

Answers to climate-induced migration under international law
Prof. Dr. Dirk Hanschel
Reports (PDF) of past lectures:
- 25 October 2019
Prof. Brice Laurent (MINES ParisTech)
European Objects: the troubled dreams of harmonization
- 27 June 2019
Dr. Jack Stilgoe (University College London)
How experiments become futures: Social learning for self-driving cars
- 12 June 2019
Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer (Technical University Munich)
Testing future Societies? Developing a framework for test beds and living labs as instruments of innovation governance
- 17 May 2019
Prof. Claudia Müller-Birn (Freie Universität Berlin)
Bringing the Human back to the Centre of Algorithmic Systems Design. Challenges and Opportunities.
- 17 December 2018
Prof. Susanne Beck (Leibniz University Hannover)
Strafbarkeit beim Einsatz autonomer Systeme - Neue Impulse für das Konzept der Fahrlässigkeit?
- 13 December 2018
Prof. Joanna Bryson (University of Bath)
Human control of machine intelligence
- 12 October 2018
Prof. Alain Strowel (UCLouvain)
From the Cloud to the Edge: New Ways for Data Appropriation
- 28 June 2018
Prof. Melanie Dulong de Rosnay (French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Sorbonne Université)
Peer-to-Peer Law and the Commons
- 15 June 2018
Prof. Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (University of Bergen)
The Robot Judge: Law, Technology and Historical Patterns of Change
- 5 June 2018
Prof. Dr. Hermann Winner (TU Darmstadt)
Autonomos Cars - a technical introduction
- 9 May 2018
Dr. Nicolas Lampach (KU Leuven)
Law meets Data Science: Findings from the EUTHORITY Project
- 25 April 2018
Prof. Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard University)
Distributed Selves: Technology and Rights in the Digital Age
- 10 January 2018
Ass-Prof. Dr. Joakim Juhl (Aalborg University)
Innovation Science: Between Models and Machines
- 29 June 2017
Dr. Stephan Sonnenberg (Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law)
Community Mobilization Strategies in Cambodia
- 22 June 2017
Dr. Dagmar Kownatka (Roche Diabetes Care Deutschland GmbH)
Optimising the Health Care Sector by using new Technologies
- 21 June 2017
Dr. Kyoko Sato (STS Associate Director, Standford University)
Nuclear Imaginaries in Japan: From Hiroshima to Fukushima
- 18 May 2017
Dr. Amanda Ellison, BAmod Physiology (University of Durham)
The use of interdisciplinarity in solving societal problems - a focus on health
- January 25, 2017
Matthias Spielkamp, MA MA ( )
AlgorithmWatch: What's there to see?
- December 16, 2016
Prof. Dr. Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann, LL.M. (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
Industry 4.0 and robotics: legal challenges
- November 17, 2016
Prof. William Nikolakis (University of British Columbia)
Advancing the social pillar of sustainability: Insights from the natural resources sector
- October 27, 2016
Prof. Dr. Dirk Hanschel (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
Answers to climate-induced migration under international law
- June 16, 2016
Dr. Christina Leb (Department of Global Water Practice, The World Bank)
The World Bank’s role in programmes regarding cross-border rivers
- 25. Mai 2016
Dr. Wolfgang Urbantschitsch, LL.M. (Vorstand der Energie-Control Austria)
Energy markets – current issues of regulation
- 21. April 2016
Prof. Franz Reimer (Universität Gießen)
Resource efficiency as a category of environmental law?