LTS LunchTimeSeries
Summer term 2019
- Dr. Jack Stilgoe
How experiments become futures: Social learning for self-driving cars
Report by Thomas Buocz
- Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer
Testing future Societies? Developing a framework for test beds and living labs as instruments of innovation governance
Report by Melisa Krawielicki
- Prof. Claudia Müller-Birn
Bringing the Human back to the Centre of Algorithmic Systems Design.
Challenges and Opportunities.
Report by Johannes Huber
Winter term 2018/19
- Prof. Susanne Beck
Strafbarkeit beim Einsatz autonomer Systeme – Neue Impulse für das Konzept der Fahrlässigkeit?
Report by Ferdinand Hönigsberger (in German)
- Prof. Joanna Bryson
Human Control of Machine Intelligence
Report by Nino Gamsjäger
- Prof. Alain Strowel
From the Cloud to the Edge: New Ways for Data Appropriation
Report by Thomas Buocz and Katja Schirmer
Summer term 2018
- Prof. Melanie Dulong de Rosnay
Peer-to-Peer Law and the Commons
Report by Daniel Romanchenko
- Prof. Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde
The Robot Judge: Law, Technology and Historical Patterns of Change
Report by Michael Fürmann
- Prof. Hermann Winner
Autonome Autos - Eine technische Einführung
Report by Martin Weinmann
- Dr. Nicolas Lampach
Law meets Data Science: Findings from the EUTHORITY Project
Report by Magdalena Nemeth
- Prof. Sheila Jasanoff
Distributed Selves: Technology and Rights in the Digital Age
Report by Thomas Buocz
Winter term 2017/18
- Assistant Prof. Joakim Juhl
Innovation Science: Between Models and Machines
Report by Verena Reiter
Summer term 2017
- Dr. Amanda Ellison, Ph.D
The use of interdisciplinarity in solving societal problems – a focus on health
Report by Verena Reiter
- Dr. Kyoko Sato, PhD
Nuclear Imaginaries in Japan: From Hiroshima to Fukushima
Report by Paula Resch
- Dr. Dagmar Kownatka
Optimising the Health Care Sector by using New Technologies
Report by Lisa Schranz
- Dr. Stephan Sonnenberg
Community Mobilisation in Cambodia
Report by Annemarie Hofer
Winter term 2016/17
- Prof. Dirk Hanschel
Answers to climate-induced migration under international law
Report by Lisa Hartlieb and Lisa Müllner
- Prof. William Nikolakis
Advancing the social pillar of sustainability: Insights from the natural resource sector
Report by Thomas Buocz and Annemarie Hofer
- Prof. Dr. Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann, LL.M.
Industry 4.0 and robotics: legal challenges
Report by Stefan Steininger
- Matthias Spielkamp, MA MA
AlgorithmWatch: What's there to see?
Report by Paula Resch
Summer term 2016
- Prof. Franz Reimer
Resource efficiency as a category of environmental law?
Report by Andreas Huber
- Dr. Wolfgang Urbantschitsch, LL.M
Energy markets - current issues of regulation
Report by Thomas Buocz and Stefan Steininger
- Dr. Christina Leb
The World Bank’s role in programmes regarding cross-border rivers
Report by Julia Kandler and Lisa Müllner
- Workshop: Global Governance and Innovation: Law and Science Fiction, 22. August 2018
Report by Thomas Buocz und Sophia San Nicolò - Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, 30. August - 2. September 2017
Report by Annemarie Hofer - Conference: Science and Democracy Network 16th Annual Meeting, 28. June - 1. July 2017;
Bericht von Franziska Bereuter - FSV Seminar: Automated cars and their consequences for planning, 27. and 28. April 2017
Report by Sophia San Nicoló - Workshop: Cryptocurrencies, Digital Transactions, Public Transformations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 10. March 2017
Report by Paula Resch - 3. Austrian Citizen Science Conference, 2. and 3. March 2017
Report by Annemarie Hofer - Workshop: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts, 30. November 2016
Report by Franziska Bereuter - Conference "Autonomous driving & law", 4. May 2016
Report by Thomas Buocz und Lisa Müllner - Workshop: Standardization in the Nano-Field: For the Common Good?, 19. May 2017
Report by Sophie Schmidt