Members of the Centre for Environmental History work on a broad range of topics in Austrian environmental history and beyond. Here we present current and completed core projects.

  • Industrialized Riverine Landscapes IRL - How extremes, infrastructure and resource demand transform socio-ecohydrological systems - TOPIC 10  (Doctoral School, funded by Austrian Science Fund (FWF)); project leader: Martin Schmid, Institute of Social Ecology, BOKU University (duration: 9/2024 - 10/2028)
  • Material resources demand and flows of hydraulic structures to prevent societal impact of extreme events (Topic 2)  (Doctoral School, funded by Austrian Science Fund (FWF)); project leader: Gertrud Haidvogl, Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG), BOKU University (duration: 9/2024 - 8/2028)
  • The Industrialization of Austrian Forests 1766-1914 (funded by Austrian Science Fund (FWF)); project leader: Simone Gingrich, Institute of Social Ecology, BOKU University (duration: 3/2024 - 2/2027)
  • Danube flood 1954 (funded by Donauhochwasserschutzkonkurrenz); project leader: Severin Hohensinner, Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG), BOKU University (duration: 7/2024 - 2/2025)
  • Phasing in: Understanding the emergence of Vienna’s natural gas dependence, 1969-1978 (funded by Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and City of Vienna; project leader: Simone Gingrich, Institute of Social Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (duration: 10/23 - 9/25)
  • Improving the Hydromorphology of Alpine Rivers in the Provision of Ecosystem Services through Responsible, Resilient River Restoration (funded by Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW); project leader: Mario Klösch (duration: 1/23 - 12/25)
  • Climate-adapted forests: Insights based on historical tree distributions (funded by Waldfonds - Portal Tirol - Maßnahme 8); project leader: Severin Hohensinner, Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (duration: 10/2022-09/2024)