Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services

The call will address the following themes: - To what extent can biodiversity better support agro-ecosystems / agricultural production systems in terms of multi-functionality and outcomes in a global change context? - Which policies and governance systems can promote the emergence and support of agro-ecosystems / agricultural production systems benefiting from and beneficial to biodiversity and ecosystem services? Deadline for pre-registration: 161213 Deadline for submitting proposals: 140214 Information: National Contact Point: FWF, Anfragen bitte an Iris Fortmann  Wichtiger Hinweis: Für die Strategische Kooperation BOKU-Umweltbundesamt ist der Joint-Call BiodivERsA-FACCE bei beiden adressierten Themen interessant: - To what extent can biodiversity better support agro-ecosystems / agricultural production systems in terms of multi-functionality and outcomes in a global change context? - Which policies and governance systems can promote the emergence and support of agro-ecosystems / agricultural production systems benefiting from and beneficial to biodiversity and ecosystem services?
Für Anfragen zu PartnerInnen und Partnerschaften mit dem Umweltbundesamt kontaktieren Sie bitte:  DIin Rosemarie Stangl, Koordinatorin Strategische Kooperation BOKU-Umweltbundesamt, rosemarie.stangl(at)
