@TU Wien, online event

An opportunity for prospective ERC grantees in physical sciences and engineering to gain first-hand knowledge of the ERC grant application and evaluation process. The event will feature talks from an ERC Executive Agency officer and two TU Wien ERC grantees.

210121, 09:00 a.m.

Janne Salo, scientific officer of the ERC Executive Agency (panel PE3), will report on the grant application and evaluation process, with special focus on news in Horizon Europe. TU Wien ERC grant holders Katharina Schröder and Thorsten Schumm will share their grant writing and execution experiences, and Association of ERC Grantees (AERG) founding and board member Silke Bühler-Paschen will chair the event, with ample time for questions from the audience.

Be well prepared for your ERC grant application deadline (tentative dates: 090321 - Starting Grants, 200421 - Consolidator Grants, 310821 - Advanced Grants) and register under https://www.tuwien.at/tu-wien/organisation/zentrale-services/forschungs-technologie-innovationssupport/forschungs-transfersupport/veranstaltungskalender which also contains the full program. The event is free of charge.
