Hohenheim Research Center "Global Food Security and Ecosystems"

The idea of the seminar is to discuss new approaches to agriculture. Internationally renowned scientists were invited to give inspiring talks. The seminar wants to promote "out-of-the-box" thinking and discussions among scientists and students of the University of Hohenheim and of our academic partners.

We would like to invite staff and students of our ELLS partner universities to participate in this event.

April-July 2021, Mondays at 4 p.m., starting 120421

Participation at the online seminar: https://uni-hohenheim.zoom.us/j/81952978668?pwd=ZGRwV0JXN1IzbjdzZDhXTzl0SHZjZz09

Information: https://gfe.uni-hohenheim.de/en/rethinking-agriculture
