

ASTRA is intended to provide support to postdoc researchers in the consolidation of their academic careers as an independent researcher. Postdoc candidates are eligible if the date of their PhD defense falls between two and a maximum of nine years.

ASTRA replaces both the previous Elise Richter and Elise Richter PEEK programs for women and the START Awards, and picks up where the ESPRIT program for early-stage researchers, successfully launched in 2021, leaves off.

There is one call per year, that will open for submission in July and closes on October 3, 2024.

Funding opportunity: from 500,000 up to 1 million euro for 5 years.               

Information: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/funding/portfolio/careers/fwf-astra-awards


If you are interested to submit to this call and if you have missed the FWF information events, you can register to our internal information and Q@A seminar:

040724, 09:00 to 10:00 am, via Zoom

Information & registration: Q@A Session FWF ASTRA


The BOKU Pre-Award Team of the Research Support, Innovation & Technology Transfer assists researchers interested in submitting FWF projects. Do not hesitate to contact us for any question: projektsupport(at)boku.ac.at

Do not hesitate to check regularly our webpage, where we inform researchers about upcoming calls: https://boku.ac.at/fos
