New ICT-Call

This call is directed at researchers in Vienna, who seek to improve understanding of a fundamental question in ICT

Proposals should focus on advancing basic knowledge in ICT while laying the foundations for future high-impact applications.

Projects may be focused within a single discipline or be interdisciplinary in nature.

The funding size per project is 500,000 Euro and up to 800,000 Euro (or 880,000 Euro for joint projects with NÖ), for a duration of 24 up to 48 months.

This is a 2-step call, with the following deadlines:

Deadline for short proposals: 110225

Deadline for full proposals: 060525

The projects are submitted online, via the WWTF Funding Portal.

Find more info about this call together with the guidelines here: WWTF ICT


The BOKU Pre-Award Team of the Research Support, Innovation & Technology Transfer assists researchers interested in submitting such projects. Please, contact us in advance if you wish to submit to this call and for any further questions: projektsupport(at)

Do not hesitate to also check regularly our webpage, where we inform researchers about upcoming calls:
