Von 14.-15. November 2014 veranstaltet die Euroleague for Life Sciences die Scientific Student Conference der Euroleague for Life Sciences an der Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Wir laden alle BOKU-Studierenden herzlich ein, ihre Forschungsergebnisse von Master- und Bachelorarbeiten und anderen Projekten zu präsentieren!

The European Commission´s 2020 strategy aims at economic growth and improving human life conditions in Europe at global scale via education, research and innovation. The social, technical and ecological challenges ahead of us such as securing sufficient supply of food, energy and biomaterials to the ever-growing world´s population will need brave new thinking and excellence in science. The ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2014 will bring together bachelor and master students from leading European Life Sciences Universities and their international partners to explore the various contributions of life sciences for building a brave new world.

Sub-Themes of the conference:
Sustainable, green and smart development
Economy and innovation
Agribusiness for modern society

Deadline für Abstracts (Vortrag oder Poster): 15. Juni 2014

Nähere Informationen und Abstract-Einreichung: http://ells2014.sggw.pl/ 

Die besten Vorträge und Poster werden mit dem ELLS Distinguished Fellowship ausgezeichnet (3 Preise pro Kategorie: 1. Preis Oral Präsentation je 500€, 1. Preis Poster je 200€)
