Dieses größte wissenschaftliche Treffen zur Vorbereitung der Cop 21(*) setzt sich vier Hauptziele:
•         “state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on climate change”
•         “explore a wide range of pathways combining climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable development”
•         “assess the potential for evidence-based solutions to climate change challenges”
•         “contribute to a science-society dialogue” Weitere Informationen: http://www.commonfuture-paris2015.org/ (*) COP 21 = 21st Conference of the Parties on Climate Change 2015, s.   http://unfccc.int/meetings/unfccc_calendar/items/2655.php?year=2015
 (**)  http://www.commonfuture-paris2015.org/site/FR/How_to_Contribute/Contributions,C49319,I48935.htm?KM_Session=3c14647d133a6089a3134e9d13632cca
