One of the hot topics of 2015 is alumni! In the upcoming ACA European Policy Seminar, the 46th in this long-established seminar series, ACA will bring together the best speakers available to share with you the big picture of alumni work in European higher education, national alumni-networking initiatives abroad, the newest EU policy and plan on international alumni relations, and some of the best practices in setting up and sustaining alumni services in universities.

Speakers for this seminar are coming from the European Commission and the various pan-European alumni associations (ESN, EMA, OCEANS, GaragEramus), the University of St. Gallen, DAAD, Campus France, CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) Europe, etc. The programme covers a European overview of alumni work and the most recent trends, national-level alumni support systems for international graduates, in-depth case studies of two European universities (one at the beginner stage and one at the advanced stage), and a panel discussion of the EU's up-and-coming mega European alumni network - Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Association (ESAA) that concerns all European universities.

Every university has alumni. The difference is whether they are in your reach when you need their support. If you have questions like: How exactly can alumni be reached and supported? How exactly can alumni support the development of your institution (marketing, fundraising, student recruitment, career counselling, knowledge transfer etc.)? What are the existing national or European resources that that you can tap into when building up your alumni network? What are other universities doing in alumni relations? THIS IS the seminar for you!

Click here for programme and registrations:
