Pre-Seminar International Course“ Biodegradation of Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons in the Environment“, SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF EXPERTS ON THE TREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENTS AND RESIDUES, Facultad de Química, UNAM, México NOVEMBER 09 to 11, 2015

The objective of this pre-symposium international course is to strengthen the analytical capabilities of specialists in measuring pollutants in soils and water, especially, those of organic type, represented by oil and its derivatives:

Topics to be covered

  • Strategies for taking contaminated samples
  • Analysis of hydrocarbons in environmental media
  • Microbiological degradation processes
  • Pre-requisites and degradation testing
  • Bioremediation technologies
  • The course should also include a practical training for analysing hydrocarbons
  • Sampling technologies will also be included

The course will be held in English. Participants are kindly requested upon registration to indicate their level of comphehension of the language.

M. A.I. Landy Irene Ramírez-Burgos, e-mail: landy_irb(at)

Web page for more information: Red Internacional de Ciencias Ambientales
