Sixth International Conference On Energy Efficiency And Agricultural Engineering - Announcement And Call For Papers - November 11-12, 2015, Ruse, Bulgaria

In 2015 will be celebrated the 70-th anniversary from the establishment of the first technical school outside the capital Sofia - University of Ruse Angel Kanchev. As a part of the celebrations will be held the Sixth Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering.  

The main objectives of the Conference are to promote exchange of research results, scientific ideas and their practical implementation concerning energy efficiency and education in agriculture and to assist personal contacts between scientists and specialists, especially from South-Eastern Europe and the developing countries. Students and young scientists will be encouraged to participate in the Conference.


  • Energy Efficiency
  • Computer Technologies in Agriculture
  • Electronics in Agriculture
  • Sustainable Energy and Environment in Agriculture
  • Agricultural Waste Management
  • Food Engineering and Biotechnology
  • Higher Education and Training
  • Information Systems and Precision Farming
  • Land, Water and Agro-Processing Engineering
  • Management and Ergonomics
  • Plant and Animal Production Engineering
  • Power and Machinery
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Other Allied Topics

The official languages of the conference will be English and Russian. All the papers should be sent in English or Russian.

The Conference venue will be at University of Ruse Angel Kanchev, 330 kilometers North East from the Bulgarian capital Sofia, and 70 kilometers South from the Romanian capital Bucharest. Convenient air transport to Ruse can be found at the Bucharest airport as well as at the Sofia airport. Regular bus and railway transportation is available from both cities to Ruse.

The participation fee of the conference will be € 100, if received before September, 30th 2015. Students and young scientists will pay € 50. The fee after the deadline will be € 30 more. It ensures a copy of the Conference Book and attendance to the Sessions and the Welcome Party.

The organization committee will book rooms at the Riga Hotel
(€ 40-60) for the participants of the conference. More information is available at the web site of the hotel
Alternatively a room in the university’s renovated hostel will cost € 10-12.

The fee for a one-day conducted tour will be approximately € 100, lunch € 15.
There are possibilities for publishing advertisements in the Conference Book. The price is € 80/page. For detailed information please contact the Conference Secretariat.

Abstracts in English or Russian, should be sent no later than April 30th 2015. The full papers, should be sent no later than August 31st 2015. Papers received after that date will not be published.

Abstract submission    April, 30th 2015
Full paper submission   August, 31st 2015
Fee payment             September, 30th 2015

The title of the paper should be in Arial 14, Bold, centered, followed by the authors’ names in Arial 12, centered, spacing before - 1 line. The abstract, no longer than 200 words, should be Arial 10, Italic, followed by 5-6 keywords on a new line.
The paper should include Introduction, Presentation (1 or more parts), Conclusions, References, About the authors. The part titles should be Arial 12, Bold, spacing before - 0.8 line, left aligned  and the content – Arial 12, First line - 1.25 cm, Single spacing, justified. The figures should be Centered and with the title under them set to Arial 12. Tables should have Right aligned description above them. Formulas should be numbered with the index right of them at 15 cm. The references should be numbered in square brackets and in Arial 12 and no other formatting.
You can use the following paper template

Please submit your papers online

Further information: see conference website
