SUMMER SCHOOL ON ENERGY SECURITY, Telc, Czech Republic, August 2 – 9, 2015
The Department of International Relations and European Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University together with its partners announces the summer school on energy security. The fourth year of this prestigious summer school takes place in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Telc and building on the success of previous three years the summer school will be dealing with highly topical issue of energy policy of the European Union and EU position in the global energy environment.
The summer school will be held from August 2 to 9, 2015 and will host various foreign and Czech energy security experts. Among the invited lecturers there are
- James Henderson (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, UK)
- Vaclav Bartuska (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic)
- Petr Zavodsky (Director, Nuclear Power Plant Construction Department of the Czech company CEZ, a.s.)
- Silvia Haufe (German Transmission System Operator 50Hertz Transmission GmbH)
- Aleksandra Lis (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
- and others.
The summer school will last six full working days, based on an intensive residential program. Each day will evolve around certain selected topic and will consist of several lectures regarding EU energy policy making and implementation, relations with major energy producers, global trends in energy production and consumption, etc.
A day-long field trip to the Temelin Nuclear Power Station is substantial part of the interesting and busy schedule as well as a rich social program.
Students can earn 4 ECTS credits if all the requirements are fulfilled. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2015.
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