EAPRIL Conference 2015 “Educating the generation of tomorrow” , University of Luxembourg, November 24 till 27, 2015
We encourage you to submit your work and to take this chance to become part of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning.
Please make sure to explore our various interactive presentation formats and to select the one that fits your needs perfectly. As each year, we plan also this year a new presentation format, i.e. a format that welcomes practitioners to present a case from practice. A researcher or discussant will be organised, either by the practitioner him/herself or by EAPRIL, to reflect on this case in dialogue with the audience. Furthermore, after the success of the newly introduced Flipping the Session format last year, the EAPRIL Board is happy to announce that this format will be also organised this year.
The submission deadline is June 1, 2015. Other than previous years, only 1 submission deadline is organised. We will no longer have a submission deadline in September. Please make sure that you note down this new and exclusive deadline in your agenda. As a result, you will be informed about the reviewers’ decision by the beginning of July. This will allow you to start planning your conference trip as soon as possible.
Link to the EAPRIL 2015 submission system
More info on the EAPRIL 2015 Conference!