Staff Training Week 2019, Italy

at the University of Bologna, from Oct. 7-11, application deadline: April 26

Collaborative University-Industry relations have undeniably generated real economic effects, in terms of creation of new products, processes, innovative capabilities, options, knowledge and networks in research or production. During the last half of the 20th century, one of the main features of industrial economics has been the role of expenditure on collaborative University-Industry activities, which has been largely seen as an important source of industrial and economic growth.

Behind these developments, there is a belief that research conducted in academic and also in government laboratories is some way crucial to the realization of future opportunities for industrial innovation, and that this potential is best realized by the establishment of close links between industries and research institutions.

The staff training week is addressed to University Officers and Managers expert in Technology Transfer, Knowledge Transfer, Entrepreunership, Spin-Off, Start Up or involved in various ways in University-Industry collaborations.

If you plan to attend a staff training week and if you want to apply for ERASMUS+ staff mobility support, please check the website and contact Mag. Gudrun Reisinger for further information on ERASMUS+ Staff training funding.

Further information about the staff training week
