International training & job shadowing, Coventry, UK

Customer service and how it enhances the student experience, from July 22-26

Coventry University Student Services is hosting the first ERASMUS+ Staff Training Program. The core theme of this program will be to explore the benefits of good customer service and how it can enhance the student experience.

Through discussion, job observation, dedicated workshops and sharing best practice, our aim is to learn as much as possible from each other.

Features of the staff week

  • Interactive sessions
  • Customer service skills workshop
  • English language activities
  • Sessions will take place at the main Coventry University campus where we will showcase the best facilities we have to offer and the week will also include a trip to our CU London campus
  • The price includes accommodation in our newest Halls of Residence located in the heart of the city centre
  • Local excursions and several group meals included

If you want to apply for ERASMUS+ staff training/teaching mobility support, please check the website and contact Mag. Gudrun Reisinger for further information on ERASMUS+ Staff training funding.

Further information about the programme here.
