ISEW Club for Erasmus programme management

from Nov. 13-15 at University of Helsinki - application deadline: Sept. 30

Theme: Getting the best out of Erasmus post 2020: Building strategies for mobilities and education cooperation projects (KA2)

  • Participant profile for Track 1: Erasmus Mobility:  Erasmus Institutional coordinators (KA103)
  • Participant profile for Track 2: Education Cooperation Projects: Specialists/Experts/policy advisors working with international education cooperation (Erasmus KA2) projects (at the central level).
  • It is possible to send a participant to both tracks from the same university.

University of Helsinki announces an ISEW Club with two specialized tracks in November 2019. This ISEW Club for Erasmus programme management invites Erasmus Institutional Coordinators and Experts and Policy Advisors working with Education Cooperation Projects to share thoughts, experiences and best practices of Erasmus activities in an interactive way. All delegates will be asked to contribute in advance with examples of best practices to enable active discussion and networking during the event. The two tracks will join together for a couple of sessions and the evening networking events.

If you want to apply for ERASMUS+ staff training mobility support, please check the website  and contact Mag. Gudrun Reisinger for further information on ERASMUS+ Staff training funding.

Further information about ISEW Club
