Intra Africa - Collaborative training in fisheries and aquaculture in East, Central and Southern Africa (COTRA)
Intra Africa - Collaborative training in fisheries and aquaculture in East, Central and Southern Africa (COTRA)
BOKU is technical partner in the EU-funded Intra-Africa Academic mobility Project "COTRA" (Collaborative training in fisheries and aquaculture in East, Central and Southern Africa) with the following partner institutions: Mzuzu University (Malawi), Makerere University (Uganda), Rhodes University (South Africa), Official University of Bukavu (Democratic Republic of Congo), Unveristy of Eldoret (Kenya), Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia) and University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin)
BOKU's Project Coordinator: Dr. Margarita Calderón-Peter
COVIMO - E+KA226 Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
COVIMO - E+KA226 Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
BOKU is partner in the ERASMUS+ project "COVID-19 pandemic as a “opportunity window” for the transition towards new and more inclusive internationalisation through virtual mobility" (COVIMO), led by CZU Prague. The aim is to create a manual of the best practices of the transition towards online education and the development of virtual mobilities, learning and training materials for staff and students. The consortium of 9 universities is part of the ICA-CASEE network
BOKU's Project Co-ordinator: DI Dr. Andreas Zitek, MSc.