MUMOLADE: a big EU project for Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flows
Within the framework of Marie Curie ITN (Initial Training Networks), the MuMoLaDe project (Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flows) is dealing with the numerical and physical simulation of landslides and debris flows. MuMoLaDe connects 13 full partners with 8 associated partners in a consortium which engages key private stakeholders over several sectors: authorities, engineering, contractors, manufacturers and software houses. MuMoLaDe brings some of the world’s finest researchers together to provide high quality training and research. The overarching aim of the MuMoLaDe project is to provide high quality training to a group of young researchers, contributing to the development of a new generation of multidisciplinary researchers able to work in the challenging field of advanced computational and physical modelling of landslides and debris flows. For detailed info: