we4DRR - women exchange for disaster risk reduction

A European exchange network for female experts that caters to women working in research policy and practice in the field of natural hazards and disaster risk reduction.
Objectives of we4DRR
- Increase the visibility of female experts and gender issues in DRR
- Generate and exchange knowledge and information on gender and DRR
- Strengthen competencies of female experts
The importance of gender mainstreaming in disaster risk reduction is highlighted in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, and further substantiated in a number of case studies on gender and natural disasters. Mainstreaming gender also means diversifying expert teams that deal with natural disasters that consequently widen perspectives of the developed responses.
Benefits of we4DRR
- Supporting and strengthening women professionals
- Connecting to other networks/communities
- Offering innovative solutions
- Generating and exchanging knowledge
- Increasing capacity for accessing funding
- Offering a platform for master theses in DRR & gender
- Career market
- Strengthening the resilience of communities
Outputs of we4DRR
- Database on female experts in DRR & gender
- Gender specific data in research & practice
- Database on resources, knowledge & practical experiences
- Training on demand in ‘gender’ specific topics
- Events and workshops on the topic of gender and DRR for members and non-members
- Capacity building material
Who can apply?
- Female experts working in the field of DRR
- Female experts on gender that are interested in the field of gender and DRR
How to apply?
Send an email to
Or get more information
Aktuelle Veranstaltungsserie "we4DRR members in focus"
We are proud to continue our webinar series "we4DRR: members in focus" with three highly fascinating experts.
The concept of "we4DRR: members in focus" is twofold:
The first part will focus on the organisation and current activities of the expert.
The second part will shed light on individual career paths, potential obstacles and solutions.
With this format, we would like to offer a space for showcasing our members,
getting to know different organisations and offering insights on different career paths,
hence tips and tricks for each single one of you.
Please save the dates! Each webinar session is from 12:30 to 13:30 (Wednesday):
- 22 November 2023: Maria Patek
- 6 December 2023: Niki Beyr-Portner
The format is "members only", but it might be a good reason for interested colleagues to join our network.
For more information contact@we4drr.net

Lecture by Zurovac-Kuzman on Mainstreaming gender into disaster risk management - the OSCE perspective, at BOKU Vienna, 07|11|2017
Lecture by Maureen Fordham on Gender and Disaster: Making the Connection, at BOKU Vienna, 05|12|2017
contact at BOKU, ILAP
karin.weber@boku.ac.at or doris.damyanovic@boku.ac.at