851015 Market Segmentation Analysis (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Seminar
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2023
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Market segmentation is the process of grouping customers of an organization into more homogeneous subgroups, called segments. The organizations involved can be classic manufacturers of consumer products like smartphones or soft drinks. But the concept is much more general and the course will discuss examples of market segmentation for sustainable tourism or non-profit volunteering organizations.

This lecture and seminar is based on the edx.org "massive open online course" (MOOC) "Market Segmentation Analysis" developed in cooperation with the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) and the University of Linz. The lecture part will focus on discussion of the content of the MOOC and corresponding book. The seminar part will be hands-on examples and presentations by (groups of) students.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Previous knowledge of statistical methods and their application in R are required, these can be obtained in courses like "Vertiefung in statistische Methoden" (851303, 851307). or "Statistics with R" (851309, 851402).


At the end of the semester you will be able to
- Describe market segmentation analysis.
- Discuss the purpose of each of the ten steps of a market segmentation analysis
- Explain the key pitfalls that can occur at each one of those steps
- Undertake each of the ten steps of market segmentation analysis
- Perform a market segmentation analysis and ask the correct questions to ensure its validity
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