933300 Start-up module (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2022/23
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


The Start-up Module is the opening seminar for the Master´s Degree Organic Agriculture and Food Systems (EUR-Organic) for students from partner universities within the Euroleague for Life Science (ELLS)BOKU; Warsaw University of Life Science (WULS); Hohenheim University (UHOH)), and in addition Aarhus University and ISARA-Lyon, and is case study, excursion and discourse oriented.

In WS 2021/2022 Hohenheim University (UHOH) is the responsible coordinator

Due to the COVID it will not take please as in the former years; there will be further information coming from Hohenheim University for specific ZOOM meetings.

(1) General information into the multiple perspectives and opportunities of the Master´s Degree by all partner universities and their countries Organic sector;
(2) Insights into systems theory and organic farming;
(3) Usually there is a one week visit in one of the ELLS member countries; due to COVID_19 pandemic this is postponed toward WS 2021

Alternatively there will be a reduced programme organized by UHOH, including online sessions, and introductions into study issues and exams. Further information will be send out soon.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Some knowledge of organic agro-food systems and experience of working in a team is beneficial.


A student with the requisite understanding and standard of work to pass the course will:

(1) Understand and describe the key elements of an organic farm/the organic agro-food chain based on a systems approach.
(2) Be able to apply qualitative interview methods and photographs to document and assess the farm/processor .
(3) Know and understand the characteristic practices of organic farming in general and specifically of the visited farms.
(4) Work productively and effectively independently and as part of a team.
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