911352 Summer school - Assessment of soil change under global change (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Sophie , Diaz-Pines, Eugenio
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2024
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Important information for the Summer School on "Soils and Global Change" 2024:
- It will take place from July 7th (afternoon/evening) to July 13th (morning/noon) at Lehrforst Rosalia (Lower Austria)
- Participation is open to any BOKU or non-BOKU students (see requirements below)
- There is a participation fee of 400 €, covering transportation from and to Vienna, accommodation at the Rosalia Forest Centre, and full board during the whole stay.
- If you are interested and/or want to register, please get in touch with Eugenio Diaz-Pines (eugenio.diaz-pines@boku.ac.at) and Lea Wellinger (lea.wellinger@students.boku.ac.at)

The summer school will be structured in two main thematic blocks:

1) Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) and monitoring of ecosystem responses to climate change. This part will include lectures and invited talks about the the European long-term ecological research activities (https://elter-ri.eu/) and field visits to state-of-the-art infrastructure where future climate change conditions are simulated. Different methods and techniques for monitoring greenhouse gases dynamics in ecosystems will be presented (many of them in-situ). As part of the course, students will elaborate a mini- research proposal investigating links between global change and soil responses.

2) Modelling of pedogenesis under global change: Two days will be devoted to this block using with the SoilGen model. After some introductory lectures and model demonstrations, students will, on the first day, prepare model input files representing a global change scenario, and then run the scenario. The scenario focuses on the next 100 years and a limited number of individually assigned plots. The second day will be devoted to the post-processing and visualization of existing and the newly produced scenario results (a.o. Soil Organic Carbon and fertility-related variables) and reporting.

Teaching activities will be covered by BOKU and Uni Ghent lecturers. We expect invited speakers from UBA (Environment Agency Austria)

This information will be updated and expanded in due time

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Student has previous knowledge on soil fundamentals (including pedology, soil physics & chemistry, soil genetic processes) and biogeochemistry at the soil and ecosystem level.


By the end of the course, students will be able to
- Discuss and evaluate applications of the main techniques for assessing greenhouse gas fluxes in ecosystems.
- Design experiments for evaluating ecosystem responses to climate change
- Construct and evaluate scenario studies on soils under global change.
- Apply simulation and measurement tools and geographical information systems for assessing changes in soil properties and processes under global change.
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