834012 Molecular ecology laboratory project (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2024
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Lab class in evolutionary genetic methods, using in particular genotyping Barcoding or Metabarcoding and similar methods used in Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Genetics, Conservation Genetics and related scientific fields. Hereby, the students will work on specific projects in the context of the research lines in molecular Biodiversity research on plants, or invertebrate and vertebrate species. The student will have the opportunity to train on basic and advanced methods for DNA based investigations, like DNA isolation, electrophoresis, PCR and different cleanup methods. In addition, the research has a strong focus on Next Generation Sequencing applications and procedures for Amplicon Sequencing and multiplexing as well as basics of the subsequent bioinformatics. The class is intended for advanced students of biology related curricula. It is designed as an independent project, so not only the conduction of the single methods, but the organization of the procedures to answer specific questions will be in focus.


After the class the students will be able to plan the realization of a project based on molecular methods. The students will be able to outline working hypotheses and their application to relevant research questions. They will receive training in different methods of DNA chemistry and the application of the current Analysis methods.
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