857005 Theory and applications of remote sensing time series analysis (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2024
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Time series and their analysis play an important role in present-day remote sensing. Remote sensing time series represent regularly collected (e.g. daily) images of the earth surface. Due to their high temporal resolution, they allow for observing and documenting valuable data about the dynamics of land surfaces. Currently, remote sensing time series become more important due to the European Earth Observation Programme Copernicus and its new Sentinel satellites. Gaining knowledge in this field of remote sensing, offers valuable skills to the students. In addition, the knowledge obtained in the course on hand can be easily applied to other scientific disciplines.

The course introduces the theoretical foundations of remote sensing time series. It provides an overview on state-of the-art methodology for image time series analysis and gives an insight in applications for environmental sciences.
The course addresses advanced students or doctoral students at BOKU that are particularly interested in analysing remote sensing time series in the context of environmental applications.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Basic knowledge in the fields of remote sensing, GIS and digital image processing is pre-requisite.
Attendees should have a particular interest in the (mathematical) analysis of spatial data.


• The students will be able to identify and evaluate the suitability of remote sensing datasets for environmental tasks considering their temporal, spatial and spectral properties.
• The students evaluate the suitability and quality of freely available global satellite data for time series analysis; they are able to search for and acquire these data.
• The students compare and decide on methods of data preparation, pre-processing and processing of remote sensing time series.
• The students know and can explain applications of time series in remote sensing (e.g. vegetation anomalies, drought monitoring, land surface phenology, mapping of land cover & land use).
• The students explain and evaluate methods for analysing vegetation anomalies (e.g. z-score) and land surface phenology (e.g. threshold based approaches) in image time series.
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