932312 Genetik der Diversität (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2023/24
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Tentative lecture plan:
1. Introduction to biodiversity
2. Measuring genetic diversity
3. Genetic variation and population size
4. Effective population size
5. Population subdivision
6. Mid-term summary
7. Relatedness and inbreeding
8. Relatedness and Inbreeding – Tabular method
9. Inbreeding depression
10. Demography and extinction
11. Units of conservation
12. Conservation strategies in farm animal genetic resources
13. Evaluation of genetic diversity using genomic data


Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able summarize the factors affecting genetic diversity on the population and individual level. They will be familiar with the distinguishing features of the idealized (Hardy-Weinberg), as opposed to real-world populations. Students will be able to describe, quantify and interpret the changes in genetic diversity parameters when specific requirements for the idealized populations are violated. The students will also understand the concept of additive genetic relationships between individuals and be able to solve practical exercises using pedigrees of various complexities. Students will understand the concept of conservation genetics, identify the reasons for the need of conservation of genetic resources in farm animals and wildlife, and distinguish between the various levels of protection based on the endangerment status.
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