754319 Applied quality management practical course for SIFC (in Eng.)
- Art
- Übung
- Semesterstunden
- 3
- Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
- Organisation
- Angeboten im Semester
- Wintersemester 2023/24
- Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
- Englisch
- Lehrinhalt
The practical course comprises 2 units of 2-3 workdays each:
- Case Studies: to preventively deal with acute problems related to food safety and quality and to clarify potential hazards and risks related to food (various segments), to elaborate concepts and solutions.
- Methods in Hygiene: Microbiological Analysis of selected food products at different processing stages; Evaluation of the spoilage of foods; Enumeration of the bacterial load in samples; Comparison of results with different guidance and legislative microbiological limits for foods; Depending on the necessary restrictions because of Covid-19, we will work either with a digital exercise example or do the tests in the lab.
- Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)
Basics in microbiology. It is recommended to attend the "practical training in food microbiology for SIFC" LV 754316 before.
- Lehrziel
For Case studies:
-Understanding of preventive methods and techniques of quality management
-Ability to perform Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
-Ability to discuss hazards and problems related to food
For Hygiene methods:
After successful participation of this course, the students can:
-Summarize scientific literature and draft a laboratory protocol
-Prepare and apply microbiological methods for the examination of food
-Test microbiological standards and guidelines for food (national and international)
-Assess product quality and manage cases of food-related crisis.
-Document, interpret and discuss microbiological results
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