812347 Human impacts in riverine landscapes (in Eng.)
- Art
- Vorlesung
- Semesterstunden
- 1.5
- Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
- Organisation
- Angeboten im Semester
- Wintersemester 2023/24
- Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
- Englisch
- Lehrinhalt
Current problems in applied fish ecology
- Discussion of impact models (e.g. drivers and pressures - DPSIR, cascade models)
- Overview of the status quo of running waters (global, EU/Alps, Austria)
- Overview of major human pressures/related impacts
- Discussion of different types of human impacts
- Discussion of case studies
#1 - Introduction
#2 - Impacts due to hydro-power production (Hydro-power use: run-of-river-/diversion-/storage power plants; connectivity/fragmentation)
#3 - Impoundments & reservoir flushing (flow patterns, sediment transport etc.)
#4 - Residual flow/water abstraction (minimum flow requirements)
#5 - Hydropeaking (magnitude, frequency, duration, effects on hydro-morphology)
#6 - Morphological impacts (effects on physical environment, riverine habitats, floodplains, vegetation/land-use etc.)
#7 - Pollution (organic pollution, toxic substances etc.)
#8 - Land use change (forms of land use, nutrients etc.)
#9 - Multiple impacts (interactions of pressures etc.)
- Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)
Basic knowledge in hydrobiology & fish ecology
- Lehrziel
1. Get an overview of fish-ecological conditions in Austrian & European rivers.
2. Evaluate the impacts of human activities on running waters.
3. Lern and discuss methods for assessing and improving ecological integrity.
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