814340 Theories and methods in the field of the thesis research (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Seminar
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Rieder, Harald , Plank, Christina , Steurer, Reinhard , Hietz, Peter , Lemke, Stefanie , Mitter, Hermine , Probst, Lorenz , Schmid, Erwin , Winkler, Manuela , Krausmann, Fridolin , Erb, Karlheinz , Haberl, Helmut , Formayer, Herbert , Keiblinger, Katharina , Zangerl, Christian , Reinwald, Florian , Stumpp, Christine , Diaz-Pines, Eugenio , Stöglehner, Gernot
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


In the framework of this course students will advanced their knowledge
of theories, concepts, and methods relevant for their master thesis and of current
research in the field of climate change and societal transformation. Students will select a course with important training aspects for the thesis work together with the advisor. This course will be accredited for this class.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

progress in the general modules and the specialization chosen of the master program


After successful completion of the course students have advanced their knowledge of theories, concepts, and methods relevant for their master thesis and of current research in the field of climate change and societal transformation. Students are able to argue the choice of research questions, concepts and methods and the interpretation of their findings and put them in the larger context of climate change and societal transformation. Students are prepared to discuss and defend their research with a professional audience, and they are able to critically discuss their findings.
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