737324 Climate change mitigation: A socio-ecological perspective (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Seminar
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Krausmann, Fridolin , Erb, Karlheinz
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


The course is dedicated to the critical discussion and assessment of climate change mitigation strategies, with a particular focus on the challenges and trade-offs related to different mitigation options. The topics of the course include a wide range from ecological modernization strategies (decoupling emissions and resource use from economic development) to degrowth and sufficiency strategies. The course introduces different approaches and their potentials and limitations, including nature-based and technical solutions aiming at decarbonization of the energy system, the reduction of material and energy use and of waste and emissions or at carbon sequestration. The combined lecture and seminar provides a critical socio-ecological perspective, integrating biophysical dimensions with economic/social and political aspects. Based on the critical reading of scientific literature, students elaborate on the potentials and limitations of different strategies as well as possible trade-offs and synergies with other sustainable development goals. Examples for discussed mitigation strategies are: energy transition, bioeconomy, circular economy, nature-based solutions, carbon capture and storage, demand side solutions, avoid-shift-improve.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Basic concepts and approaches in social ecology


After the successful completion of the course

•students have gained a systematic overview of strategies and measures to mitigate climate. They are able to distinguish between aspects of ecological modernization and transformative change and to critically discuss climate solutions from a socio-ecological perspective.

•students are able to apply socio-ecological principles and criteria to critically assess climate solutions. They are able to identify trade-offs and synergies with other sustainable development goals and they can discuss climate solutions from an interdisciplinary perspective.

•students have learned how to critically read and analyze scientific literature and to develop and defend scientific arguments. They have improved their presentation skills and their skills in writing scientific texts. By reading their peers’ manuscript drafts, students have learned how to critically and constructively give feedback on scientific texts and also to incorporate feedback from their peers and teachers.
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