831341 Interrelations between biodiversity and climate change (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Winkler, Manuela
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Biodiversity decline and anthropogenic climate change are endangering livelihoods globally and are among the biggest challenges humanity has had to face. In this seminar the interdependence between biodiversity and climate (change) will be discussed, specifically the following topics:
- impact and risks of future changes in climate for terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people
- feedbacks of plausible changes in biodiversity on climate characteristics and change
- impact of biodiversity conservation on greenhouse gas emissions (climate feedbacks)


Students will gain an understanding about the interconnections between biodiversity and climate crisis. Students will prepare a presentation about a current paper addressing impacts of climate change on biodiversity and vice versa which will be discussed in depth in class. Thereby students will get an overview about the most recent literature in climate change biology and will be enabled to lead an informed discussion about trade-offs, feedbacks and knowledge gaps in the field.
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