891402 Scientific tools for ABC&M II (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Gindl-Altmutter, Wolfgang , Gübitz, Georg , Müller, Ulrich , Rosenau, Thomas , Potthast, Antje , Pfeifer, Christoph
Holztechnologie und Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Business Intelligence Tools for Efficient R&D in the Bioeconomy
Lectures designed to teach and train Ph.D. students on the use of basic financial concepts and business intelligence tools to develop efficient and effective research plans by screening projects and pathways at early stage based on their potential profitability and risks.

The inherent complexities associated with the biobased industry and bioeconomy such as dynamic geopolitics, market conditions, and innovations in feedstock handling and processing technologies, exemplify the important role that screening at early stage has when designing R & D and investment strategies the bio-based industry.
Day 1 AM – Why screening at early-stage, financial concept basics, cost structure.

Day 1 PM– Practical session

Day 2 AM – Depreciation, income statement, cost analysis, capital budgeting

Day 2 PM– Practical session

Day 3 AM – Financial indicators, principles of value creation, SAE (screening at early stage) I

Day 3 PM – Practical session

Day 4 AM – Process simulations, risk analysis, economic value potential, SAE (screening at early stage) II

Day 4 PM – Practical session

Day 5 AM – Student presentations

Day 5 PM – Student presentations


Students will be able to apply the acquired concepts and knowledge in their own research projects
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