812331 Internship seminar (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Winkler, Gerold
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


The internship enables AL/LWM student to enhance theirs job-relevant competencies at national/international institutions of thematic relevance for the AL/LWM curriculum and its expected learning outcomes, such as: research institutions, agencies, companies, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, etc.. Students gain insights into potential occupational areas, professional contacts are made and career development opportunities are provided.

The course comprises of a preparation and planning phase, a consecutive phase for the individual internship and the final phase of presenting the individual internship activities in a well-structured manner in oral and written form.

(1) Preparation & planning phase
(1a) registration for this course at BOKUonline
(1b) pre-registration of the internship by contacting the course coordinator Mr Gerold Winkler to discuss the planned internship, or planning a potential internship – plus cross-check of the thematic relevance of the internship contents.

(2) Individual internship of at least one month (> 100 working hours)
(2a) Organisation of an "internship agreement" with the host institution
(2b) Following the internship
(2c) Organising a letter of” internship confirmation” from host institution

(3) Presentation of individual internship activities
(3a) Delivering a well-structured written internship report of at least 3 pages – including a description of the main activities during the internship, knowledge/competencies gained and the relevance of the internship with regard to the AL/LWM curriculum learning objectives (stated within bullet 1a) of the AL/LWM curriculum document).
(3b) Delivering an oral presentation of at least 15minutes – including the main activities during the internship, knowledge/competencies gained and the relevance of the internship with regard to the AL/LWM curriculum learning objectives (stated within bullet 1a) of the AL/LWM curriculum document).

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Recommended for students having successfully completed at least the majority of the first AL/LWM semester.


After successful completion of this module, participants are able to:
# Present the internship activities in a well-structured manner in oral and written form and to demonstrate the professional relevance;
# Integrate academic theory with practical experience in a field of professional interest;
# Develop content specific and transferable skills;
# Explore career paths in order to clarify career goals; and
# Establish a professional network.
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