790042 The young life scientist´s guide to -omics: Complex networks, their dissection and everything else (in Eng)

Vorlesung und Seminar
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Borth, Nicole
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


The restaurant at the end of the universe (what´s on the menu)
This course will, in the form of lectures, student presentations of case studies and project work, discuss the use of different –omics methods to understand biological and process limitations. We aim to lead you towards an understanding of what the potential of these techniques is, how they can help you understand complex biological systems to enable you to use that knowledge towards process optimization, cell line engineering and all kind of other things that may be of interest in your research. It should lead to an understanding of what kind of information and knowledge you can obtain from them and how to use and combine them to enhance the performance of your cell factory (which for us is evidently biased towards, but not limited to CHO cells). This may include using models and statistics to identify relevant engineering targets and strategies, but will also include selecting the best optimization strategy, which may well be changing the medium or adding a metabolite to push cells in a certain direction.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

And another thing……
We will not teach anything about the methods for the different –omics analyses in this course, such as how NGS works or how to do RNA-seq. Rather, we will assume that you know about these and teach you how to choose the right method for a given problem and how to use the results to good advantage.


So long, and thanks for all the fish (after taking the course)
When you leave you will hopefully
•have gained an understanding what information can be obtained from different –omics analyses
•be able to select the most appropriate methods and tools for your problem
•be able to identify the optimal engineering/enhancement strategies based on knowledge generated by these
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