790132 Die Garage (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Kunesch, Caroline
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


In the course “Garage” the students will learn to implement instruments and methods that help in discovering, evaluating and realizing business ideas. They will have the possibility to bring in their own business ideas and develop them in interdisciplinary teams within a structured process. The teams will be supported in each step by the course instructors and by external mentors, with the goal of transforming an initially rough idea into a convincing business concept. At the end of the term the student start-up-teams will present their business ideas in front of potential investors and other experts.

The Garage received the "Award for Excellent Teaching 2011" at WU Vienna and stands out due to its highly interdisciplinary setting. Students from different Vienna universities take part in this course (WU, TU, BOKU). Interdisciplinary teams consisting of students from diverse fields allow - similar to real start-up situations - various perspectives, skills and competencies to shape the business idea and implementation.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

No prior knowledge required. However, students should be interested in innovation, entrepreneurship and not be afraid of economics.


On the basis of the real-practice situation students will learn what is necessary to develop and realise a business idea.
After completing this course, students will have the ability to:
- search for, recognise and evaluate innovative business possibilities,
- develop business ideas using appropriate methods and tools,
- identify customers and their needs,
- analyse and evaluate the environment around a business idea,
- develop sustainable business models,
- apply creativity techniques.

Furthermore the students will acquire relevant complementary skills:
Project management:
- successfully managing innovative (therefore less structured) projects
- reaching decisions under uncertainty
- managing several different stakeholders at once
- summarising the most important project results in a business proposal
Team work:
- working in an interdisciplinary team
- efficiency through recognising and utilising individual strengths of team members
- dealing with various work methods, opinions and perspectives
- lively discussions and interactive workshops
- structuring complex data (project results), presenting them in writing and orally to various target groups
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