771303 Environmental and biotechnological analysis (in Eng.)
- Art
- Vorlesung
- Semesterstunden
- 2
- Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
- Fischer, Elisabeth , Causon, Tim , Loibner, Andreas Paul , Hann, Stephan
- Organisation
- Analytische Chemie
- Angeboten im Semester
- Sommersemester 2025
- Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
- Englisch
- Lehrinhalt
The environmental compartments soil, water and air, but also the biota are discussed and state-of-the-art analytical methods for analysis of pollutants and contaminants are presented. Furthermore, analytical methods applied to biotechnological analysis are introduced and case studies presented. In both cases, procedures for quality control are emphasized. The lecture series will be held by experts in the field of environmental and biotechnological analysis,from BOKU as well as external research facilities.
* Introduction of environmental and biotechnological analysis
* Analytical method development and validation
* Molecular mass spectrometry principles and applications for environmental analysis
* Principles of ICP-MS
* Ground and surface water analysis: elemental trace- and ultra trace analysis
* Environmental issues of particulate matter
* Environmental air analysis
* Nuclear Chemistry
* Soil analysis
Analytical techniques and information content
* Method development and validation
* Mass spectrometry methods for elemental and molecular analysis in the field of environmental and biotechnological analysis
* Basics of water quality monitoring and hydro chemical characteristation of elemental (background) concentrations
* Basics of air, atmospheric gases and particulate matter and analytical principles for air monitoring
* Basics of radiation and radiation measurements
* Basics of soil science and analysis - from sampling and sample preparation techniques via lab- and field methods to quantification of organic contaminants and toxicity testing
- Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)
Basic background in chemistry and analytical chemistry; completion of VO 771108 "Analytische Chemie" is highly recommended.
- Lehrziel
The learning outcomes of the course will reinforce understanding of underlying chemical processes, their inter-relationships in our environment, and provide an introduction to the use of contemporary analytical methods for studying our environment and also for improving biotechnology-relevant processes. In the case of environmental studies, accurate analytical data is the basis for making assessments of current environmental states and, therefore, also for the selection of appropriate measures to improve undesirable situations. The acquired knowledge from this course plays an important role in relation to the application of the precautionary principle and prevention of errors. In the case of biotechnology, analogous analytical methods can be applied to study these systems to address goals such as the accurate metabolic modelling of cellular processes, confirming successful engineering of host organisms, or the identification of by-products affecting bioproduction. Via the presentation of contemporary examples from applications of analytical chemistry for studying environment and biotechnology as part of the assessment process, students will acquire in-depth knowledge of the most relevant modern analysis techniques and also improve their skills for the presentation of scientific results and findings.
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