752325 Food packaging technology (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Übung
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Krauter, Victoria
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen
Englisch, Deutsch


• General introduction to food packaging technology (history, definitions, packaging functions, facts and figures)
• Packaging requirements of different food types (deteriorative reactions in foods, shelf life, hygiene)
• Packaging trends
- Sustainability and packaging including life cycle assessment, circular economy, plastics strategy etc.
- Prevention and reduction of food losses and food waste via appropriate packaging
- Active and intelligent packaging
- Modified atmosphere packaging
- Other trends including safety, digitalization, individualization, design etc.
• Packaging materials (facts and figures, production process, life cycle, application examples)
- Plastics, Bioplastics
- Metals
- Glass
- Fiber based packaging (paper and board)
- Laminates
- Other materials including wood, edible, biodegradable and renewable materials
• Packaging printing and labeling
• Packaging closures and sealing
• Packaging process
• Legislative and safety aspects
• Packaging specifications
• Quality management
• Packaging testing (chemical, microbiological, physical, destructive, non-destructive)
• Packaging design process

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Essentials of food processing and food technology


- Students are able to describe and discuss the underlying functions (containment, protection, communication, convenience) of (primary, secondary and tertiary) food packaging as well as the properties (e.g., barrier, hygiene, migration) of different packaging materials and can apply their knowledge both when analysing an existing packaging system and when (re)designing a packaging solution.

- Students are able to describe and discuss the main groups, advantages and disadvantages as well as areas of application of the most common packaging materials (glass, paper and cardboard, metal, (bio)plastics, laminates and, natural materials) and can apply their knowledge both when analysing an existing packaging system and when (re)designing a packaging solution.

- Students are able to describe the main packaging processes for liquid and solid foods.

- Students are able to outline the food-packaging-sustainability nexus as well as describe and discuss both direct (e.g., production, end-of-life) and indirect (e.g., food losses and food waste) sustainability aspects of packaging, name instruments for evaluating them (e.g., life cycle assessment) and are able to defend the use of the principles of sustainable packaging development (effective, efficient, cyclic,
safe) in a packaging (re)design process.

- Students are able to describe essential quality and the legal aspects of packaging as well as current packaging trends including active and intelligent packaging.

- Students are able to argue the need to initiate and promote a packaging design or improvement process taking relevant factors into account.
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