736302 Patent law and strategic patent management (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Kögl, Christian
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


Key words: Austrian Patent Law (PatG, patent); Austrian Utility Model Law (GMG, utility model = Gebrauchsmuster); Austrian Patent Office (www.patentamt.at); European Patent Convention (EPC, EP-patent); Unitary Patent System has been started in June 2023 (Einheitspatent = Patent mit einheitlicher Wirkung); Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT, international patent application); Patents in biotechnology; Computer-implemented Invention (Softwarepatent); Industrial Property Rights (IPR's = gewerblicher Rechtsschutz) and Intellectual Property (IP = Überbegriff des geistigen Eigentums).

Inventions, logos or fancy names and designs can be protected in Austria by Industrial Property Rights (IPR’s) like patents or utility models for technical inventions, registered-trademarks for logos or phantasy names and registered-designs at the Austrian Patent Office for safeguarding the interests of industry, universities, scientists, designers and inventors. In this lecture, students get an overview of the relevant regulations and procedures of the Austrian Patent Act (PatG, patent law); the Austrian Utility Model Act (GMG, utility model = Gebrauchsmuster), the European Patent Convention (EPC, EP-patent), the unitary patent will make it possible to obtain patent protection in up to 25 EU member states with a single application at the European Patent Office (launch of the EU unitary patent in 17 EU member states has been started in June 2023; details and current status of the unitary patent under (www.epo.org/law-practice/unitary/unitary-patent.html) and the international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT - one international patent application under the PCT-system in up to 157 countries, status: 02/2025) system. The course offers an insight to employee’s inventions at universities in Austria, especially service inventions at BOKU, patent Information (patentsearch, translations of patent documents, patent classification systems), inventions in the areas of biotechnology and the national Supplemental Protection Certificates (SPC = Schutzzertifikat) in the fields of pharmaceuticals and pesticides. It also refers to the legal aspects of the registered-trademarks and registered-designs, the copyright and related rights, of IP-agreements, soft-Intellectual Properties (soft-IP’s) like know-how protection, secrecy as a holistic approach and defensive publications. In addition, knowledge in the areas of strategic IP-management, especially patent management, will be imparted.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

No prior knowledge required.


Objective expected results of study and acquired competences after completing the lecture, students are able to:
- identify, describe the main areas and the procedures of all Industrial Property Rights (like patents, utility models, trademarks and designs) in Austria, especially for technical inventions the Austrian Patent Act, the Austrian Utility Model Act, the European Patent Convention, in future maybe the Unitary Patent and the international Patent Cooperation Treaty system;
- recognise and evaluate legal issues of employee’s inventions (service inventions) at BOKU, biotechnological inventions and Supplemental Protection Certificates for pharmaceuticals & pesticides;
- make decisions taking into account the requirements for a holistic IP-strategy and be able to implement this IP-knowledge in regard of any given business case.
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