790430 3D cell culture (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Übung
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Sagar, Isita , Kasper, Cornelia
Biotechnologie und Lebensmittelwissenschaften
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


3D cell cultivation is an emerging discipline in the field of biomedical research. 3D cell culture systems provide improved physiological relevance of in vitro assays and therefore become increasingly important for basic biomedical research as well as tissue engineering and drug / toxicity testing. In this course the students will gain knowledge about different aspects of 3D cell cultivation including
•Basics and principles of 3D cell cultures
•Parameters for optimization of 3D cultivation conditions
•3D biomaterials
•Medium composition and supplements
•Cell analysis in 3D cultures
•Static and dynamic cultivation systems (bioreactors)
•Applications of 3D cell culture systems
oCommercially available 3D cultivation materials and devices
oSystems in clinical trial or clinical use (including legal background)

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

Master and PhD students of biotechnology or related subjects. The course is tailored for students who already are familiar with standard cell cultivation techniques (see also “Teilnahmekriterien & Anmeldung”) and want to extend their theoretical and practical knowledge to the specialized field of 3D cell culture.


Students will be able to describe various aspects of 3D cell cultivation including theoretical background, current research and clinical applications as well as potential future developments in this timely and highly researched field. They can list biomaterials commonly used for 3D cell culture systems and categorize them according to different criteria (e.g. natural/synthetic, rigidity, chemical properties). Furthermore, the students can explain basic methods used for 3D cell cultivation and analysis and know their purpose and limitations. After the successful participation in the course the students are able to understand publications dealing with 3D cell cultivation and follow and join discussions on this topic. The students can also practically perform simple 3D cultivation techniques and analyze their cultures with bioassays. The students can analyze the data and interpret the experimental outcome. The students can present the results both in written and oral form.
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