812332 Aquatic ecosystem science and application (in Eng.)

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Friedrich, Thomas
Hydrobiologie und Gewässermanagement
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


By introducing latest developments in aquatic ecosystem science and application by invited guest speakers students get the unique chance to directly discuss and exchange with experts from various fields of aquatic ecosystem science and application. Students are encouraged to summaries presented presentations using their own words, challenge speakers by critical questions and to evaluate the self-moderated discussion process by multiple criteria.

5. März 12:30
Thomas Mehner (IGB-Berlin): Fish communities in European lakes: Structural patterns and assembly processes

13. März Science Pub, Wieden Bräu, 19:00
Paul Vecsei: When small guys get lucky - early maturing anadromous chinook salmon
Clemens Ratschan (ezb TB Zauner): Fliegenfischen in der Mongolei (GERMAN)

19. März 12:30
Paul Vecsei: Cisco morphology & ecological speciation in Great Slave Lake, NWT, Canada

20. Mai Science Pub, Location tbd, 19:00
Chiara Samassa (Univ. of Padova): Genetic Insights Below the Surface: Using DNA for Freshwater Fish Conservation

21.Mai 12:30
Markus Venohr (IGB-Berlin): Quantification of monthly water and nutrient fluxes, losses and legacies from small to European scale

28. Mai 12:30
Marco Cantonati (BIGeA): Springs’ ecosystem science: Main achievements and persisting challenges in the face of the silent global crisis of spring demise


Enables to better understand theoretical concepts in context with actual research projects.
Provides opportunities to link research outcomes to practical applications.
Enlarges the spectrum of research applications in many ecological and societal aspects.
Get insights into administrative processes and decision making.
Enables to better understand societal needs in context with real world problems.
Enables to better communicate and interact with stakeholders.
Achieve skills for moderated discussions.
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