737335 Socio-ecological methods: Land use accounting (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Übung
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Erb, Karlheinz
Soziale Ökologie
Angeboten im Semester
Wintersemester 2024/25
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


The exercise (UE) aims to provide a practical insight into socio-ecological methods in the field of land use research. It focuses on the crucial role of land use and carbon accounting in climate change research, providing an integrated system perspective on land system components by quantitatively examining the interrelations across sectors and scales.
The UE consists of a (individual or in groupwork) calculation of a selected indicator or set of indicators (e.g., HANPP, C Stock accounting, Full carbon account, IPCC-Guideline accounting) for a specific region (local, national, or global scale). Key topics include the handling, strengths and weaknesses of various land use data as well as approaches to assess carbon stocks and fluxes (e.g. Tier 1 to 3 in IPCC accounting guidelines). This course aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the complexities of land use and carbon accounting and its significance in climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen (erwartete Kenntnisse)

The course is intended for advanced students who have completed the compulsory introductory modules
•Climate Change and Social Ecology
•Grand challenges in the Anthropocene
•Scenarios and models as tools to understand complex systems
•Transformation pathways
•Inter- and transdisciplinary approaches and processes
and within Specialization 2: Social Ecology of Climate Change
•Biophysical concepts and methods of social ecology
•Climate change mitigation: A socio-ecological perspective


The module seminar focusses on the practical application of techniques of empirical research in the field of land system science. After completion of the course, the students have gained knowledge in following topics in the field of land systems and the climate system: Approaches and data sources to quantify extent and intensity of land-use (change), land-use and the carbon state of ecosystems, principles and details of IPCC AFOLU and LULUCF accounting, full carbon vs. partial carbon accounting.

After completion of the course, students will be able to plan and conduct a micro-research project, correctly apply statistical data for land-based / carbon accounting; they are be able to choose and apply appropriate empirical methods of land-use research as well as to discuss aspects of land-use accounting and modelling. Key skills further include the ability to analyze land-use processes and to discuss and present scientific results.

Professional competencies include systemic thinking related to the interlinkages between land use and climate dynamics, e.g. in order to understand potentials and implications of natural climate solutions; the ability to correctly use important international databases for land-use analyses and AFOLU / LULUCF accounting and competencies to understand and evaluate the role of methodological choices and their consequences. Students have acquired the ability to apply selected socio-ecological methods in practical research.

Students develop skills in interdisciplinary communication and in cooperative research with colleagues from other scientific backgrounds. They have trained their skills in presenting and discussing scientific results.
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