737328 Mapping of circular economy agendas in organisations (in Eng.)

Vorlesung und Seminar
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Eisenmenger, Nina , Huber-Humer, Marion , N.N., ,
Angeboten im Semester
Sommersemester 2025
Unterrichts-/ Lehrsprachen


This course aims to deepen the understanding of circular economy (CE) concepts and their implementation in institutions and organisations. Stakeholder interviews will be conducted to understand different perspectives on CE, conceptual / legal frameworks, monitoring tools, indicators used, data compiled, technical possibilities, reference documents and programs from authorities, etc. the information gained will be critically discussed, summarized (group work), as well as shared, presented, discussed in a plenary setting.


With successful completion of the course, students will gain the following skills:
•Students gained knowledge on the implementation of the concept of circular economy in institutions and organisations
•Students will have gained expertise in preparation and conduction of stakeholders interviews
•Students developed a basic knowledge on application of methods and interpretation of results.
•Students gained knowledge on critically reflecting results from the group work in relation to the theoretical concepts
•Students will have improved their ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
•Students will have learned to incorporate positive and negative feedback from both their peers and the lecturers in their work
•Students will have improved presentation and discussion skills in groups and individually
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